What needs to be prepared before the mediation?
Once you have selected the mediator and fixed a date for the mediation you will need to:
- Agree and sign the Agreement to Mediate.
- Arrange a place to hold the mediation.
- You will need a room for each party, and one of the rooms will need to be able to seat all the parties.
- Arrange for refreshments. Whilst the parties are responsible for arranging the venue NWMS can help you find an appropriate venue.
Prepare a Mediation Bundle.
This is a bundle of key documents about the dispute. It should be agreed with the other party or parties to the dispute and it should ordinarily contain:
- The pleadings if the court proceedings have been started
- Any expert reports.
- Key documents to help the mediator understand the main points of the dispute.
- Any plans or photographs;
- Aim to have the bundle be with the mediator a week before the mediation and at least two days before the mediation.
Prepare for the negotiations at the mediation.
Key points to ask yourself are:
- What do you want to achieve? What are you prepared to give up?
- How are you going to persuade the other side to move their position?
- Are there any arguments that may persuade them?
- Do you have full authority to settle the dispute on the day?
Let NWMS or the Mediator know at least two days before the mediation who is attending: you will need to get your opponent’s agreement if you intend to bring someone who is not a party, client, or professional adviser to the mediation because of the confidential nature of the day.